Our Goal
LAMI’s goal is to raise the knowledge, understanding, and awareness of classical Latin American repertoire by creating editions, producing concerts and recordings, and offering educational activities so Latin American compositions become part of the canon of works performed and taught around the world.
The Latin American Music Initiative (LAMI) is designed to advocate for the awareness and inclusion of Latin American academic music in and outside our continent, in order to be programmed, performed and enjoyed by a wide variety of interpreters and audiences. Our mission is to convene a community of musicians interested in the study, understanding and promotion of Latin American music around the globe.
Our approach
Additionally, in order to achieve our mission, we believe LAMI must have a multidisciplinary approach to make Latin American music available and widely known based on three different areas of interest.

LAMI encompasses a variety of areas of music making. From researching and finding forgotten works, to editing, performing, recording and lecturing about them, we have divided our organization in three different branches:
Alma Branch
Editorial branch
This branch is the heart and alma (Spanish for soul) of our initiative. It encompasses the discovery, editing, printing and publishing “lost-unedited” works from Latin American, establishing easy accessibility for musicians to acquire the sheet music of these works.
Our editions will be presented as critical editions with its respective sections:
Front matter:
Biographical Essay
Performer’s notes
Musical Edition
Back matter: apparatus
Editorial Method
Critical commentary
The idea is to offer an edition that would work for performers and scholars where the musical presentation is practical and easy to read and the complementary essays and information help performers and scholars learn about the composer and his/her music.
Production branch
This branch is our window to the world. In Ofrenda (Spanish for offering or gift), we will produce concerts and recordings of works by Latin American composers. These works will include the ones edited by our Alma Branch as well as other already edited but unknown works by Latin American composers.
Educational branch
Siembra, (Spanish for seed or plant), is our educational component. Here we plan to write academic articles about the editorial work done, including problems encountered, the importance of the work and the musicological research done to contextualize the importance of the piece. Those could include an interview with the composer, their families or other relevant musicians that can enhance the importance of the work. These articles intend to be published on our website and hopefully in music magazines related to their respective topic.
Additionally, we plan to offer the LAMI workshop series, as a way to raise the interest and understating of Latin American music in the participating communities.
Lastly, we offer University Residencies to institutions Interested in bringing LAMI to offer:
Lectures (musicological, performance)
In our vision, more than establishing an audience we want to develop a community of Latin American music lovers from all areas to have one place where we can all convene together.
This community would be conformed by Latin American composers and musicologists that have worked, produced and studied this repertoire in isolated ways; performers from all over the world interested in expanding their repertoire by learning and understating Latin American music, as well to the general public interested in learning, understanding and enjoying the music from this part of the world.
Currently we have started working on music from our areas of knowledge, orchestral music worked by Régulo Stabilito, flute music by Maria Castillo and Piano works by Laura Silva; however, it is our hope to have other musicians and musicologists join our team as editors, writers, lecturers and interpreters and expand our horizons and possibilities in all of our branches.